Video production

News reports, interviews, recap videos, and more — we reinvent and challenge broadcast formats.

A recipe in four steps

We start from your KPIs

We discuss the main goals you have in terms of audience, broadcasting, and streaming platforms, which we then turn into KPIs.

We pick a format

Based on these KPIs, we choose the best format. This upstream work produces a key component for filming: a script and an adequate technical breakdown.

We start producing

Our team will organize the whole filming process and edit the video. Once the first version is completed, we will refine the final details with a few feedback rounds.

We analyze

Our job will only be finished when the KPIs are reached! We will analyze the overall performance of your final video with regard to your audience.

Do you have a video you want to produce?
We are already thrilled to hear about it.
Contact us
How it works
A production methodology

To grow brand awareness, you'll need to adapt to new means of communicating. For each video produced, we will design the most efficient digital strategy to make sure your brand is seen.

Zooming in on some of our clients

Internal and external communication
Promoting Diversity, Equality and Inclusion with SIG

SIG wanted to celebrate their employees and the diversity within each team, highlighting the importance of various perspectives in developing a rich corporate culture. A 4-minute long video format with motion design elements.

Using parody for external communications
Introducing ESG challenges with Arvella

The investment fund Arvella wanted to produce a short video series to present ESG (environmental, social, and governance) challenges. A talk-show format, with parody elements inspired by the movie "Wall Street".

Do you have a video you want to produce?
We are already thrilled to hear about it.
Contact us